Sunday, March 31, 2019

If You Often

If you often treat your life like it’s a bitch

Don’t be surprised if it’s not free of an itch

If you often think it’s cool to take alcohol, cocaine and smoke cigar, cigarette, pipe or weed

Here’s an appeal to you, don’t be messed up indeed

If you often think it’s okay to indulge in obscenity, infidelity or promiscuity

Kindly stop now before you find yourself in the hall of fame of stupidity

If you often don’t thoroughly think about their consequences before taking every action

Say hello to a recurring experience of every given messy situation

If you often think it appeals to your ego to manipulate everyone like each person is a fool to you

In the long run, you’ll realise that the joke is on you

If you often live in fear

Snap out of it and you’ll know it’s no longer there

Now, if you often want your life to be like having the right vision and scoring the winning goals on the football pitch

Then you must keep avoiding going towards a ditch


Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Poem Like The Timeless Love Letter

Dear sweetheart, I don’t want you to ever feel blue

That’s why I’ll keep lifting up your spirit and being there for you

I believe you’re already priceless

Then how in the world will you still be in distress?

Even changes in times and seasons will no longer be allowed to always make your temperature go cold

It’s all about having a healthy lifestyle with the insights untold

Whenever we’re not in the same area, imagine me assuring you that you’re very special and not just anybody

You can complement that with the thoughts of me cuddling and kissing you all over your body 

And each time we spend together will always be like the case of beautiful dreams coming true

More than words can say, I do love spending my time with you

From now on, let’s hope we’ll always have the memories of happiness, joy, success, prosperity and laughter

Being a figure of speech, I’ve dedicated this poem to you as the timeless love letter

I’m yours truly who knows that you do matter


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

30 Is The New 18

The result of a new science research presented on 'FOX & friends' claims that people don't become adults until 30's.


Monday, March 25, 2019

The Thought on Divine Favour

Divine favour can work faster than the elevator when it's your time - Dareyoyeledun


Sunday, March 24, 2019

When.......I'll Be Like

When lovers often say love is blind

I’ll be like, “from The Merchant of Venice to Romeo and Juliet, even Shakespeare knew it’s not blind”

When mischievous people keep doing foul things to others and still hide behind the tag: ‘forgive and forget’

I’ll be like, “if that continues, we’ll be faced with situations that we’ll all regret”

When I read, hear about and watch any couple who makes sex tapes

I’ll be like, “there goes the case of a porn star wannabe and a dumbass belonging to the planet of apes”

When people do all manner of absurd things for the sake of publicity and being a celebrity

I’ll be like, “can we have a moment of silence for these characters of publicity stunt and celebrity?”

When I’m about to do something laudable that people think can’t be done

I’ll be like, “that means when I pull it off, I’ll automatically be the first one, the number one!”


The Unity of Purpose

Success in every endeavour relies on the unity of purpose

It’s possible when there’s no need to put up an appearance or pose

In pursuing a good cause, people need to be truly united

This will always help in avoiding any reason for keeping them divided

There’s no need to live in any struggle, war and battle

Be wise enough to rise above them and settle

Learn from the universe as all its components work together in a specific order

Even once in a while, when things don’t go according to plans, the components cover for one another

That’s why they continue to recover and work very well together

If you have the right intention, attitude, people and things to work with, you’ll know there’s no need to divide and rule or divide and conquer

Just like the saying goes, no one is an island

It pays for the best of minds with the right attitude to complement one another and the test of time, they will stand

With that, we will have the proper promotion of productivity and prosperity

This is very important for unity


Friday, March 22, 2019

The Toad

One day, a toad was addressed this way by a passerby. “Son of man haven’t you had enough?” Out of shock, the toad replies. “How did you?…” 

Then the man said, “I’m a Seer who believes you’ve suffered enough for stepping on people’s toes, in the past, as a wealthy and powerful man.” 

At that juncture, the toad was fully restored and became a refined human being. 

Most times, if someone is willing, it is never too late to be delivered. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019


The soul of a gangster never thinks of what may come after

Whenever it’s involved in a lifestyle that keeps getting darker

They’re pressed on every side

While making shady deals as a way of life

Leaving tears to flow where they go by like a strange devourer

That’s why they’ll never comprehend tranquility as an experience

As they get to a dead end without the purpose of their essence

So, when they hear the gunshot

They can guess the outcome

It feels like a cracking pot heading for destruction



Saturday, March 9, 2019

Around The World With You

Let me take you to the loveliest places with their conditions like you’ve never seen before

If you love what you’re seeing, feel free to keep asking me for more

We can travel, around the world, from North America to South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica and Oceania

Everywhere we go, baby, will be made our very own area

While moving in hot air balloons, aircrafts and helicopters, we will enjoy many aerial views

After landing, we can still enjoy, from our suite along with expeditions on rocks, hills and mountains, more beautiful views

If you’re into kissing while travelling in a ride, we can do that too

As long as we’re safety conscious, it will be the romantic experience for two

How about enjoying the lovely service and watching the pacy change of every ambience through the window of a higher-speed rail train?

We will even customise such an experience, to our taste, and have a place where true love will continue to reign

I hope you’re not superstitious and scared of being on any ocean and sea

Trust me, being on a very secured cruise gives you more interesting views of the wonderful creation to see

To travel round the world is not only for explorers and those who are retired

Until we’ll do these all over again, take a good rest, be refreshed and avoid being unnecessarily tired



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

It's Good To Forgive

...However, if the most high God truly wants everyone to always be forgiven, no matter what they do, then Lucifer and the fallen angels will still be part of His crew - Dareyoyeledun


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Think About It Now

If there was no Bible

If there was no Gita

If there was no Quran

If there were no such books

If there was no thought to meditate upon

If there was no law directing us all

Will that be an excuse to kill a face you hate?

Will that be an excuse to kill a whole race?

Will that be an excuse to do such things you do?

Let’s spread love, justice and unity

This is way better than hatred, injustice and disunity

Think about it now

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saving Our Social Media

With no intention to judge, let’s notice, for a moment, countless ridiculous impressions and trends on today’s social media

They have obviously become the extension of some parts from the mainstream media

Some people are so conceited that if you don’t dance to their tunes, they’ll assume you’re full of yourself on WhatsApp

Those people should live and let live while keeping an open mind on the same app

How about folks who enjoy spreading stupid broadcasts like a virus on WhatsApp and the likes but think we should accept them and be merry?

Get a grip and use it, instead, as a platform for communicating the sensible information and be merry

I thought Youtube, and the likes, are supposed to be for uploading and sharing entertaining videos that add to the well-being of humanity

Then, why is it sometimes abused with offensive videos full of nudity, anarchy, pornography and projecting to the discerning mind, the uploader’s mischief and stupidity?

On X, some people just don’t seem to know how to avoid posting like a twit

God help you, when following them, reading their posts on your X timeline can piss someone off so much that it may lead to the gnashing of your teeth

For our beloved Facebook, I just wonder, nowadays, why some persons keep using it to play mind games and promote fraudulent practices and negativity leading to enmity

To such people, do us a favour, get yourself together because we are more interested in sensible and inspiring posts that add positively to our lives as we promote the true friendship

Still worth mentioning, among many others, are Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin with a round of applause

Let’s just keep enjoying ourselves with them by posting real status that are worthy of the grades of A+