Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Air

There are some timeless truths about the air

To one, it may evolve from breathing

That means it’s necessary for living

To another, it can be seen as the life’s essence

Those who hold this thought believe it makes sense

On their own part, some other spiritually inclined believers say it’s the breath of life

In line with that, it’s the gift from the creator of all of creation that helps us to make a living out of this life

Health wise, none can exist for long in the physical realm without it

Even in the spiritual realm, a necessity still perfectly describes it

Come to think of it, like in the case of most walks of life, this same air aids the efficiency of the internet connection through which you can have access to this poetry

In terms of success, people, organisations and business firms can learn from this mystery

Being very relevant and indispensable come as the result of fulfilling the true purpose of your creation which is your divinely inspired destiny


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