Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Impact of 5G Technology on Education and Learning

From the times of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo Davinci, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Alexander Graham Bell to this present day, the world has been evolving at a very fast pace and we are all participating in the process. Seeking and finding the right knowledge, in this context, will continue to remain relevant as long as the human race exists. Everyone needs to keep being properly educated in all walks of life which are related to us. Although we have witnessed some remarkable inventions in human history, a lot more is still to come. We are already in the 21st century. It’s the era of full-scale technology. 

As we observe our process of learning over the years via the right education, the great help technology is giving us now as a means of communication can no longer be underestimated. Our telephones and internet connections have evolved from the era of 1G to 5G. In other words, they are currently doing wonders way beyond just being used to make calls and browse websites. This 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks in telecommunications. Its wireless communications systems use higher radio frequencies to carry information through the air at the much faster rate which is very efficient. 

Here is a brief history of the 5G technology. The need to improve the performance of 4G [fourth generation of technology standard for broadband cellular networks] being used by cellular phone companies led to the beginning of 5G’s development around April 2008 by NASA in partnership with Geoff Brown and Machine-to-Machine Intelligence [M2Mi] Corp. In the same year, with similar goals, South Korea’s IT R&D program of 5G mobile communication systems was formed. After four years into these researches, others began to be noted.

In August 2012, New York University started a multi-disciplinary academic research center based on pioneering their work in 5G wireless communications. The center was called NYU Wireless. 

Two months later, on October 8, 2012, another academic institution, well known as University of Surrey, commenced its own research on 5G. It was done in partnership with the UK government and a consortium of key international mobile operators and infrastructure providers like Huawei, Samsung, Telefonica Europe, Fujitsu Laboratories Europe, Rohde & Schwartz and Aircom International. 

Healthy competitions of this nature kept inspiring different countries and organizations over the years. On April 3, 2019, 5G became functional as South Korea along with the USA were the first two countries to adopt and launch it. 

5G Technology’s Impact on Education and Learning.

1. 5G promotes the very quick access to the correct information online.

The students with phones and computers connected to 5G have the very quick access to every correct information online which complements their classroom’s experience, no matter the location they are.  

2. Real-time intellectual collaborations are possible via 5G.

You can now use 5G to brainstorm and exchange ideas with friends, colleagues and experts on the various fields of study across the globe in real-time via online chats and calls without any unnecessary hindrance as a result of differences in the brands of devices being used.

3. 5G improves the quality of video-conferencing significantly.

The year 2020’s COVID-19 lockdown proved this right as a lot of people who have 5G were able to use virtual reality and augmented reality to either get their e-learning or work remotely with apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype and WhatsApp which allow video-conferencing.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Can 5G be accessible to people in rural areas?

In countries where it has been launched, cellular phone companies are already making 5G available to urban and rural areas, since more subscribers and wider coverage area are very good for business.

Is 5G technology adding any value to education and learning in the 21st century?

5G makes education and learning to be really fun nowadays because it is very fast. People are studying more about variety of topics as the quick access to every information has become the norm.

How relevant will 5G continue making e-learning to be after the COVID-19 lockdown?

5G technology’s efficiency will continue making e-learning to be very relevant after the COVID-19 lockdown. The whole world is bigger than anything that can be taught in one classroom.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Thermodynamics For A Ten-Year-Old

In the year 1656, a man named Robert Boyle who is from Ireland came up with one idea called an air pump which was used for pushing air into machines. He did it with a friend of his known as Robert Hooke who is from England. The idea was so good that it also inspired some smart people.

Out of those smart people who came up with their own ideas for creating things after Robert Boyle’s, a French man named Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot was the smartest. He wrote a book in 1824 titled ‘Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire’. His book was the beginning of something called ‘thermodynamics’. That’s why he is very well known as ‘Sadi Carnot: The Father of Thermodynamics’. Although he made many people to start seeing a lot of things that can be possible in how machines work and affect our lives, 30 years later, ‘thermodynamics’, as a name, was actually given by someone else who had read his book.

In 1854, William Thomson who is from Northern Ireland, after reading and understanding Sadi Carnot’s book, added some ideas of his own with what he wrote in his paper titled ‘On the Dynamical Theory of Heat’ and called everything he learned from it ‘thermo-dynamics’.

Note this. William Thomson combined two words ‘thermo’ and ‘dynamics’ to form ‘thermo-dynamics’. We can continue from there. ‘Thermo’ has to do with always knowing about something called ‘heat’ which shows us how hot or warm a thing, a person and a place can feel at different times like morning, afternoon and night. ‘Dynamics’ shows us a thing called motion which also means movement from one place to another.  As an example, while you were still sleeping very early in the morning, your parents had already done a lot for you. They prepared breakfast in the kitchen with the cooker, used an electric kettle to get some boiled water for you to bathe, woke you up and helped you to do every other thing quickly. By the time you were ready, the school bus was already waiting for you in front of your house. You said “goodbye” to your mom and dad and got into the school bus to join the driver, some of your classmates and teachers. On the way to school, you played a bit with some of your classmates. The school bus eventually took you, your classmates and teachers to school on time. From the moment your parents woke you up to your arrival in school, everything you, your classmates, teachers, school bus’ driver and even the school bus did was mostly thermodynamics. With our explanation, thermodynamics is the study of how heat, energy and motion are connected. 

Thermodynamics has 3 laws which are written points for us to always understand it correctly. The 1st law of thermodynamics says energy cannot be created or destroyed. This is because energy keeps changing according to how it is needed.

Remember your sweet breakfast. It gave your body the kinetic energy for you to move around, carry your plates to the kitchen and quickly pick up your schoolbag when it was time for school. The energy has always been inside the ingredients before your breakfast was prepared.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics says entropy {a disorder from something with an organized pattern} always increases and makes heat to flow from a hotter place to a cooler one. If they turn off the air conditioner of your school bus on a hot day, sooner or later, everyone inside will start feeling hot. This is because the heat from the weather flows into your school bus.

The 3rd law of thermodynamics says a pure crystal’s entropy at absolute zero is zero. If you have a very clean and perfectly ordered crystal that is frozen, it will remain the same except something unusual happens to it. This is because, in most cases, anything can happen.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Origin of Chess


There was a game called chaturanga in northern India during the Gupta empire over 1500 years ago [550 A.D.]. Its popularity reached Persia [now known as Iran]. Among the Persians, chatrang became the game’s name. 

The love for this game didn’t diminish even after Persia was conquered by the Arabs. They were the people who introduced it to the Arab world as shatranj.

About the same era, Buddhist pilgrims, Silk Road traders and numerous travellers brought the game to the Far East where it evolved into xiangqi [in China], shogi [among the Japanese people] and janggi [from the Koreans].

Over the years, the game arrived in Europe through Spain [during the Moorish conquest of Spain around 800 A.D.] and Russia [from the Khanates in the muslim territories]. After the Europeans have mastered it, they made some changes which significantly improved the game and the whole world fell in love with their version. Some of the notable changes included its new name [chess], rules of the game, the chessboard’s design and new identities for the chessmen [king, queen, bishop, knight, rook and pawn].

The popularity of the game across the globe eventually led to the creation of the International Chess Federation [FIDE: Fédération Internationale des Échecs] on July 20, 1924. Its main purpose is to always standardize the rules of chess and related international competitions. For the records, in 1927, FIDE organised its first Chess Olympiad. 

42 years after FIDE’s creation, the celebration of the International Chess Day commenced on July 20, 1966. This complements the celebration of the organisation’s founding date. Various countries observe it annually.

Key Moments in History.

550 A.D.

The Birth of Chess.

The tournaments of chaturanga in northern India were truly historic. They became the reference points for the origin of chess.

800 A.D. - 1000 A.D.

Chess Arrived and Grew in Europe.

The Moors were the people who brought the game, which will later be called chess, to Spain in 800 A.D. By 1000 A.D., there had been the widespread of chess in Russia and the whole of Europe.

July 20, 1924

FIDE Was Founded.

The need for an organisation to always standardize the rules of chess and related international competitions led to the creation of FIDE.

Ways to Celebrate the International Chess Day! 

A.  Enjoy chess as a recreational game. 

Go on a picnic with your family and friends as you take your chessboard along. Playing the game in the process will be an intellectual fun!

B.  Go and join a chess club.

The membership of a chess club will give you the opportunity to always know the latest trends in the game. This can be helpful in improving your skills.

C.  Learn to play chess via an artificial intelligence.

Look for some interesting video games on chess and play for as long as you want. Remember to get enough snacks by your side as you play. 

Why various countries love chess!

1.  The rich history of chess is undeniable.

From northern India where it began to this present day, chess has been everywhere. The information on its rich history is available to everyone.

2.  Chess is a recreational game.

You can always enjoy playing chess during your vacation. The basic knowledge of the game is enough to start with.

3.  Chess inspires strategic thoughts.

Everyone faces situations in life which require thinking through in the best of ways. This wouldn’t be difficult for someone who is already used to it via playing chess.

Frequently Asked Questions.

How many players can play chess at a time?

Chess requires two players at every given time. They are expected to have at least basic strategic skills to play according to its precise rules.

What is the origin of chess?

It started in northern India as chaturanga during the Gupta empire around 550 A.D.

Does chess give players any meaningful insight?

As often as you keep playing chess, your strategic thoughts will be improving in order to always see the solutions to specific challenges.


Saturday, July 10, 2021

And Of Course

Some sports talk show hosts and even regular talk show hosts will be like "and of course this, and of course that". 

It's almost every time! 

They overuse the phrase "and of course" to the extent that, once in a while, I count the number of times just for the fun of it!


Friday, May 21, 2021

An Eclectic Like I am

I've always been an eclectic in my life and love for movies and music to the extent that they sometimes inspire my funny thoughts.

As a child, I thought 'Barrister' was only the legendary Fuji singer from Nigeria, West Africa. However, when I grew up, I discovered that 'Barrister' is another title for lawyers. 'Fuji', too, turns out to be another Japanese name and brand beyond just being a genre of music in Nigeria!


Monday, April 12, 2021

The Unusual Nollywood Punchline


Nowadays, in some Nollywood movies, when you hear "come and be going" or "oya, wa ma lo", know that it's the unusual punchline meaning a character or more have overstayed their welcome. 


Friday, January 1, 2021

2021: Happy New Year

Happy new year, we are now in 2021

Of all those who made it here and will make it through this year, you are one

You survived covid 19 and the events in the last year which were seen

Let’s be thankful and not erroneously assume those who didn’t make it had committed a sin

2020 made us to see a different perspective very clearly

Learning from our experience, let’s make 2021 way better very early

It can only get way better from now on

Take a very good look at your personal life and say, “making you way better than before is on!”

