Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Jesus and His Twelve Homies

This is about the greatest hero to ever walk across the face of the earth. 

Recently, I heard about some people insinuating that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was gay because His twelve homies were all males! What the hell was that? 

Allow me to look at it from a different perspective for good. Check out some of His homies before they were eventually redeemed by Jesus Christ. Peter {the rock} was ridiculous. John {the beloved} was an overgrown baby. Thomas was as skeptical as hell. Matthew was a shrewd tax collector. Judas Iscariot, on his own part, was the greatest snitch that ever lived. Come on, if he can betray Jesus Christ, then the entire world stands no chance.

With all the issues these guys had to deal with, on their own, besides lots of miracle seekers always stalking them, there is no way they could have been humping one another.

Again, although Jesus Christ never got married, is that enough reason to assume He was gay? Such a thought is sick and uncalled for.

Lord have mercy!


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