Saturday, July 27, 2019

Treat People Right

In addition to love, the efficiency of human relationships, societies and organizations thrives primarily on respect, honesty, ethics and integrity

Efficiency, however, is not stupidity

Assume it is, especially with knowledgeable people, and you’ll get a response that’s colder than humidity

Even one thing is clear to every right-minded celebrity

The people always working to make you look good should never be treated like a nonentity

An organization, in whatever category, is as good as its workforce

If they’re not treated right, the organization will eventually collapse to its very source

Only those who are not upfront try to monitor everyone and everything around them, every now and then

In as much as it’s good to be observant, encroaching on other people's space and privacy and acting like a control freak is like gallantly walking into the proverbial lion’s den

Despite their relevance, that should give you an idea of why the Secret Service, FBI, CIA and the likes, make some decisions that the whole world continues to condemn

Over and over again, relationships are being ruined because people take advantage of others and make everyone along with themselves, directly or indirectly, feel insecure

Let this inspire us all in a movement which makes the whole world know the best of relationships is what we should often assure



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