Saturday, August 3, 2019

A Moment To Thank God

I grew up learning a timeless prayer that is still being said

It will keep being relevant as long as one is living and not dead

"You’re the Ancient of Days whom before all of creation has been

I’m in the right frame of mind, because of You, despite all I’ve seen

You’re the King of kings who keeps safe those who truly believe in Him

You give me the best of reasons to truly have faith even when the bright vision of life appears dim

Even when there seems to be no way, You still make the Way

I’ll never take it for granted as You make everything work together in my favour each day

Thanks a lot for yesterday, today and tomorrow

Your divine inspiration gives me the true meaning of happiness and joy without sorrow

With You, I’m more than every conqueror

I’m very grateful for the wisdom, intelligence, brilliance, understanding and knowledge to always truly excel as You also protect me beyond the abilities of every knight and warrior

I will continue to be thankful for who You are along with Your divine provisions at all times"

This simple prayer works for me and it can do the same for everyone who truly understands and believes, beyond just enjoying its poetic form and rhymes


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