Sunday, August 25, 2019

I, Constantine

I never play games with anyone’s emotions and intelligence like it’s a toy

That’s why I don’t appreciate every person trying any shenanigan around me while appearing coy

God knows I’m not yet perfect but He’s helping me to reach perfection

So, why, in the world, will I ever tolerate, in whatever disguise, any mischievous and annoying distraction?

For posterity, I’m writing this as a piece of my mind

If you’re an unrepentantly mischievous and annoying person, keep being like that and lag behind

To all you really good and lovely folks reading this, I apologise for the poem’s diction

Every now and then, unrepentantly mischievous and annoying people should be dealt with and left in isolation

They’re like a pestilence whose victims should be put in quarantine

I have that thought because I’m not one of those who are okay with bullshit by taking morphine

After all said and done, I still believe in Galatians 5:22-23 which indicates some very special things which are worth taking in

Perhaps, I’m gradually becoming more like the refined modern-day Emperor Constantine



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