Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

In The Face of The Storm

I heard that You are the best friend

Who sticks to the very end

I also heard that You will give me less stress

And save me from distress

When l think of Your greatness

When l think of Your goodness

I know that we need your kindness

Every day, in a world of madness

Oh, now, l can see

You are the One that I really need all of my days

In the face of the storm, I know You are my love

In the face of the storm, I will hold on to Your love


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/64032488796/in-the-face-of-the-storm-i-heard-that-you-are

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How It's Easier To Be Truly Faithful

It's easier being truly faithful to someone or something that inspires confidence.

Although in this context, the focus seems to be on healthy romantic relationships, the same principle applies to every other type!


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/151753769948/how-its-easier-to-be-truly-faithful-its

Remarkable And Inexplicable

There are some special things that happen every day

Their occurrence can make a believer out of you, come what may

They truly indicate there’s a supreme being who is responsible for humanity and is far above logic, magic, sorcery, principality and power

Let’s look at some scenarios that will make you to wonder

After being told that her newborn was medically certified by doctors to be a stillbirth, the mother prayed with an active faith in her heart for a positive change of the predicament

Moments afterwards, the same stillborn came alive to everyone’s amazement

Some suicide bombers were once shocked when their set bomb didn’t explode and kill the targeted people

Through a proper detective investigation, they were later apprehended while still been unable to understand why their evil plan couldn’t work and cause devastating effects that will evolve into a ‘ripple’

If you can thoroughly think and be honest with yourself, you’ll know there had been, either subconsciously or consciously, at least a time, you prayed with an active faith for a divine intervention, concerning a challenge and got it

That should tell you it’s not a coincidence to have similar cases like yours in human history

Then you’ll know like I do that these remarkable and inexplicable things are real and not just any cooked up fancy story

They are known as miracles

If you must know, I believe in these miracles

However, more importantly, I truly believe in the Almighty God who creates these miracles


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/99921781513/remarkable-and-inexplicable-there-are-some

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Right-Minded People

This is way beyond being judgemental 

Sometimes, don’t you just wonder why some people’s actions indicate they’ve gone mental?

Some are like the poisonous snake

No matter how nice you’re to them, they’ll still not be able to prevent themselves from hurting you even for their own salvation’s sake

We should just call the next group the stupidos 

The consequence of their mischief and politicking is comparable to launching torpedoes

Can’t they just have a good measure of common sense and stop their follies?

It’s hightime certain people put an end to their perennial bullshit

It’s already making the right-minded people of this world act like Detective Del Spooner in 'I, Robot' as each one is like, "I’m allergic to bullshit"

If you must know, we, the right-minded people who believe in humanity are already getting tired of the bullshit

Although we will keep seeking the solutions to all problems and threats to humanity

That does not mean we should tolerate and give the perpetrators an amnesty

Something will happen If these perpetrators continue to be evil

The consequence will be so dire that it will trigger the situations that are not civil

On our part, since the goodwill of humanity is our priority we won’t mind defending and saving us all from every form of evil far better than the incorruptible army and police


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Marry Her

If your girlfriend is lovely, virtuous, proactive, wise, intelligent, brilliant, respectful, focused, hardworking, healthy, sexy, fearless, honest, faithful and truly loves God along with you, then marry her.

This is the public service announcement for only good gentlemen and ladies who are not yet married.

In conclusion, single ladies, if you discover that you're lacking some of those above-mentioned qualities which single gentlemen have been told to observe in the ladies they are supposed to marry, then start improving!

Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/178907258448/if-your-girlfriend-is-lovely-virtuous-proactive

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

It's Lovely

In the best of relationships, there’s nothing as intellectually fulfilling as meeting the beautiful person who is truly worth thinking about and sharing your life with!


Monday, October 7, 2019

Can't We Find The Way?

They call for help with no one there to give them that or call them 'dear'

It’s such a shame to be in pain without a claim or even gain

From a loved one as a lost one in a world that’s just insane

With no real pay every day

It’s such a shame

Every day we see their kind on every side and just don’t mind

To walk on by and not heed their plight because of spite or even fright

As the saviour of the lost one in a world that could be gone

With no real gain from the pain

It’s such a shame

Can’t we find the way to take them to the better place?

This could be an ace needed in making the real big change

In the life of another and never make it to wander

Along the path of life devoid of strife of any kind

This will be great


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/63376262237/cant-we-find-the-way-they-call-for-help-with-no

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How You See Things

Call a woman a bitch and you’ll stand the chance of being bitten

Call a man a dog and you’ll still stand the chance of being bitten

Assume any person is stupid and you’ll be shocked to your marrow

Calling white, black and black, white will eventually lead to an experience filled with sorrow

Call the police, to their faces, pigs and you’ll dine with the swine

Even if they’re corrupt, seek the proper justice and not result to name calling like a drunkard with an alcoholic wine

Calling the television the devil’s box sounds like a notion from the stone age

In truth, even the folks back then, if they’ve an idea of the multimedia’s power, will describe as ignorant, such an erroneous notion about the television, regardless of the age

Always choosing pepperish ingredients as the necessities in meals, no matter how much you love them, will eventually make your stomach to ache and burn

It’s similar to playing in the Sun which is a habit that can give you the sunburn

If you’re one of those who call the gin the holy water and the whisky the water of life, then your reasoning must be messed up like being ridiculously drunk

In that drunken condition, you may find yourself assuming that the ideal place to sleep is a car’s trunk

If you’re a believer, it makes sense to call the Lord God Almighty Holy

By then, you should’ve known that idolatry is nothing but a form of folly and is unholy


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/99319062558/how-you-see-things-call-a-woman-a-bitch-and

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Save Yourself From Bad Relationships

Victims of bad relationships must learn this timeless truth from wise contestants in 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'.

It pays to walk away when you’ve had enough!


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/151393783850/save-yourself-from-bad-relationships-victims-of

Who You're And What You've

It’s very wise to always know who you’re and what you’ve

Every now and then, it also pays a lot to always appreciate who you’re and what you’ve

It’s not even out of place to always be very careful with who you’re and what you’ve

Know this for sure that people are curious about who you’re and what you’ve

Either you’re aware of it or not, some question the credibility of who you’re and what you’ve

Others covet who you’re and what you’ve

Not to be overlooked, however, are the few people who appreciate who you’re and what you’ve

These are the true fans of who you’re and what you’ve

At least for their sake, be the responsible role model with who you’re and what you’ve

Don’t just go everywhere bragging about who you’re and what you’ve

Instead, with the positive attitude, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and energy, keep improving who you’re and what you’ve

If you do it right then you deserve to always be celebrated because of who you’re and what you’ve

By the way, who you’re is your true character

What you’ve, on the other hand, is your true ability and it does matter

This poem is specially dedicated to everyone who truly has the lovely character


Thursday, October 3, 2019


Always make your active own to work in the best of ways.

Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/188105522008/always-make-your-active-own-to-work-in-the-best-of

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Be Truly Grateful

For being alive with the sound mind, one should always be truly grateful

You’re not locked up in a cell, a prison and a psychiatric hospital

Be truly grateful for not being excommunicated or treated like a nuisance, a retard and a fool

It may sound crazy but sometimes one should appreciate having an appetite enough to feel hungry

Some people have the surplus supply of the best of meals yet they’re not healthy enough to eat well and that makes them sad and angry

Be truly grateful for being able to get a meal, either it’s an intercontinental cuisine or not, and eat

Others have eaten the same or poisoned meals and ended in the six feet

Be truly grateful, sometimes, when you find yourself going to your home or travelling and still making it in the middle of the night

Some folks are not fortunate, like you, to have a guardian angel or a knight

Be truly grateful for being able to enjoy the fresh air

People in polluted areas are praying for what you’re enjoying because pollution is something they can’t bear

Be truly grateful if you’re in a loving relationship or happily single

It’s better than being messed up because you are trying to mingle

Be truly grateful for living in a conducive and tranquil environment

Casualties of war zones won’t mind living as civilians in a military cantonment


Source: https://dareyoyeledun.tumblr.com/post/98910780873/be-truly-grateful-for-being-alive-with-the-sound