Sunday, October 13, 2019

Remarkable And Inexplicable

There are some special things that happen every day

Their occurrence can make a believer out of you, come what may

They truly indicate there’s a supreme being who is responsible for humanity and is far above logic, magic, sorcery, principality and power

Let’s look at some scenarios that will make you to wonder

After being told that her newborn was medically certified by doctors to be a stillbirth, the mother prayed with an active faith in her heart for a positive change of the predicament

Moments afterwards, the same stillborn came alive to everyone’s amazement

Some suicide bombers were once shocked when their set bomb didn’t explode and kill the targeted people

Through a proper detective investigation, they were later apprehended while still been unable to understand why their evil plan couldn’t work and cause devastating effects that will evolve into a ‘ripple’

If you can thoroughly think and be honest with yourself, you’ll know there had been, either subconsciously or consciously, at least a time, you prayed with an active faith for a divine intervention, concerning a challenge and got it

That should tell you it’s not a coincidence to have similar cases like yours in human history

Then you’ll know like I do that these remarkable and inexplicable things are real and not just any cooked up fancy story

They are known as miracles

If you must know, I believe in these miracles

However, more importantly, I truly believe in the Almighty God who creates these miracles



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