Saturday, October 5, 2019

Who You're And What You've

It’s very wise to always know who you’re and what you’ve

Every now and then, it also pays a lot to always appreciate who you’re and what you’ve

It’s not even out of place to always be very careful with who you’re and what you’ve

Know this for sure that people are curious about who you’re and what you’ve

Either you’re aware of it or not, some question the credibility of who you’re and what you’ve

Others covet who you’re and what you’ve

Not to be overlooked, however, are the few people who appreciate who you’re and what you’ve

These are the true fans of who you’re and what you’ve

At least for their sake, be the responsible role model with who you’re and what you’ve

Don’t just go everywhere bragging about who you’re and what you’ve

Instead, with the positive attitude, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and energy, keep improving who you’re and what you’ve

If you do it right then you deserve to always be celebrated because of who you’re and what you’ve

By the way, who you’re is your true character

What you’ve, on the other hand, is your true ability and it does matter

This poem is specially dedicated to everyone who truly has the lovely character


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